Even with social distancing, Zoom calls, and evolving safety protocols, the Junior League of Salt Lake City has remained connected. As a new member in spring 2021, my experiences with JLSLC have been shaped by this new world in which we live. Admittedly, I wasn’t sure what to expect joining the League during a pandemic. While more established members do (and should) fondly reminisce on times before event caps and virtual formats, I see an organization that has remained a family and undertaken creative solutions to keep members engaged and rewarded for their membership.
On June 1, 2021, we started the first day of a new League year. Of course, any new year isn’t complete without a celebration. We rang in the new 2021-2022 JLSLC year with a potluck New Year’s Party hosted by our Membership Outreach Director this year, Michelle Mendoza. We followed up our potluck with a Saturday morning hike through Adams Canyon for our more adventurous members and their furry friends who love the outdoors.
In July, JLSLC brought back a favorite — Dinner Club. Members enjoyed a lovely evening at One-O-Eight Bistro. It’s so simple, but after the protections we had to take during the 2020-2021 league year, it felt incredible to enjoy each other’s company in a restaurant. Dinner Club has remained a crowd favorite with an August event at BTG Wine Bar. Then, in October, members brunched in the presence of queens at the Quorum of Queens Drag Brunch at Leatherheads in Draper.
In August, members raised a glass to animal conversation at Bobcats, Brews, and Bye, Bye, Bye. We had a fantastic time at the Hogle Zoo Brew event, which raises funds for the zoo’s partners in animal and habitat conservation. Each Zoo Brew event is dedicated to a specific animal in need of conservation support, with the August event dedicated to our local bobcats. At the event, JLSLC members enjoyed some exceptional company – Joey Fatone from *NSync. He even autographed a photo addressed to JLSLC.
September was a busy month for Junior League Events, but members still made the time for social get-togethers, including JLSLC Yappy Hour, a Clothing Swap Party, and a night out at Big Willies Bar and Grill. We love getting together with other members, but introducing our pups and watching them romp around at the dog park was certainly my favorite dog park trip in September. And, it’s an event the Membership Outreach Committee hopes to make a routine event. At the Clothing Swap Party, members seized the opportunity to send their old favorites to new loving homes while updating their own looks. JLSLC closed out the month with a night out on the town at Big Willies. Member Angie Cloyd, a co-owner of Big Willies, even donated a portion of the sales to JLSLC.
In October, a few of us and one brave, furry friend met in the pouring rain (couldn’t pass up the T. Swift reference) for the Fall Festival at Cross E Ranch. But really, members and guests remained relatively dry and loved the apple cider donuts, pig races, corn maze, and even sludging through the mud for the perfect pumpkins and sunflowers.
In November, JLSLC celebrated our annual Favorite Things party with a second party scheduled in virtual format. By the end of the party, which Erin Fischer kindly hosted in her home, members received three new items and lots of ideas for holiday gifts.
Whether you’re like me and put up your tree before Thanksgiving or wait until late December, we were eager to see everyone at the yearly Holiday Party. Members learned to craft a delectable drink they could use to impress at their own holiday get-togethers; there was fun trivia, a raffle, and a special prize for the best ugly sweater.
The Membership Outreach Committee is committed to keeping social events safe and fun, with a mix of new and traditional experiences for all the League. We can’t wait for you to see all we are planning! If you are interested in learning more about Membership Outreach or have an idea for an event, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
These past eighteen or so months have been a whirlwind, but JLSLC persevered through a league year (plus) of canceled fun and the uncertainty of not knowing what tomorrow may bring. Through it, our members have shown strength, community, and resilience. No matter what the future may hold, one adage remains the same — we are truly better together.

Dinner at Big Willie’s

Zoo Brew — JLSLC Members with Joey Fatone of *NSync

A Play Date at Yappy Hour