May 19, 1966–April 7, 2023

Saundra Stroope was a fierce and brilliant advocate of the Junior League of Salt Lake City and an active member for 20 years. She served on the board and various committees, impacting her community significantly. In her career, she was an HR Leadership Development Specialist, and she was the author of a book, Breakthrough: Career Strategies for Women’s Success, as well as articles about career development.
Originally born in Dallas, Texas, Saundra moved to Salt Lake City in 2003. She loved living in Utah, where she skied, hiked, attended the Sundance Film Festival regularly, and frequently gathered her friends together to socialize. With her insatiable appetite for adventure, Saundra wasn’t one to miss an opportunity to enjoy life and she traveled the world, making friends wherever she went. Her beloved dog, Charlie, often accompanied her on trips exploring Utah and surrounding states.
Saundra’s family and friends will never forget her laugh. She was petite, but she had a laugh that was unique and boisterous. Her passion and dedication will be deeply missed.