Our current projects, CARE Fair and Women Helping Women, are the successes they are because of the hard work of the Sustainer members who founded them and the unceasing work of Active and Sustainer members alike over the years.
The JLSLC has 200 Sustainer members who are the often-invisible foundation of the organization. Sustainers have previously served a minimum of six years as Active members before moving into a supportive position where they can continue their community work in other organizations while assisting the Junior League by fundraising activities, volunteering at JLSLC projects, and serving as advisors on the Board, Investment Committee, and other committees as needed. Sustainers pay annual dues that offer a reliable stream of income for the organization that can help with budgeting and planning.
Sustainer members are also the history of our organization and an inspiration for our continuing work supporting women and children in the Salt Lake community. Our current projects, CARE Fair and Women Helping Women, are the successes they are because of the hard work of the Sustainer members who founded them and the unceasing work of Active and Sustainer members alike over the years. Each project counts on Sustainers to serve shifts to supplement the Active volunteers. Similarly, our 90-year history here is built on generations of women who have developed programs from the ground up and subsequently shared their learning and expertise with other groups. Although programs that the Junior League helped launch still exist – Wheeler Farm and the Family Support Center are just two of those – many others were founded or developed by women who started in the JLSLC: they saw a need to be addressed and established a new organization after they had reached Sustainer status.
In many ways, Sustainer membership is the goal of each Active member when she joins. Although many of us appreciate the other benefits we attain while volunteering with the League, one of the key advantages of membership is the training and skill-building that each member achieves as she tackles new roles in the organization. For instance, many members participate in event planning and fundraising, two critical skills for nonprofits. Once those skills are fostered, Junior League members become sought-after resources for other nonprofit organizations, who know that our volunteers are knowledgeable and committed.
Sustainers Wendy Warner, Jennifer Kelsey, and Melany White-Flory log in to Zoom for a lunchtime meeting four times a year to serve on the League’s Investment Committee. During the meeting, the group of Active and Sustaining members discusses the status of JLSLC accounts with the League’s investment advisor to ensure the financial position of the League stays strong.
When the Girl Scouts of Utah needs to plan its annual Camp for a Cause event, it turns to its board members, Annie Bennett, Ann McCoy, and Loren Micalizio, for their expert advice on managing an event run by volunteers. These JLSLC Sustainers continue supporting women and children through participation in both organizations.
Knowing the importance of having unrestricted funds to keep the lights on at JLSLC headquarters and to support the training of members, Annemarie Boswell has committed to making an annual donation to the Friends of the League campaign.
Everyone knows that CARE Fair takes many, many volunteers to be successful each year. Several Sustainers have participated regularly in specific parts of the event because they are so moved by the mission.
No matter how they do it, JLSLC Sustainers participate with the League and with the community in a multitude of ways that are critical for the health of our organization and others. We salute these members and thank them for all that they contribute.