By Junior League of Salt lake City

Sarah Waters, President
Sarah has been a member of the Junior League of Salt Lake City since 2011 and she has loved all of the opportunities membership has given her over the years, from both a personal and professional development standpoint. As a member of the JLSLC, Sarah has been able to serve the League in a variety of placements and leadership positions, including the creation and publishing of the League’s cookbook Salt to Honey, Vice President of Finance, Member Advocate, Nominating Director, Membership Vice President and now President. Professionally, Sarah is the Vice President of Strategy & Insights for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, a nonprofit which raises funds for children’s hospitals throughout North America. When not working and volunteering, Sarah loves to travel and do photography.

Whitney Fenech, President Elect
Whitney joined the League in the fall of 2014 after moving, with her family, back to Salt Lake from Las Vegas. Whitney had known several women who were part of the Las Vegas League and always wanted to join but did not have the opportunity to join in Las Vegas. During her time in the League, Whitney has served as a member of both projects and been the director of Women Helping Women. She has also been a member advocate, Nominating Director, and Membership VP, which led her to President-Elect. While she doesn’t think she can pick a favorite project, she says the most fun was the done-in-a-day blanket making. “It was so fun getting to know the members who came and just sitting around making blankets with them all day.”

Lindsey Whimmery, Finance VP
Lindsey joined the League in 2018 to become a part of the community and find opportunities to give back. During her first two years, Lindsey served on the CARE Fair committee and found that work to be absolutely rewarding. She felt so fortunate to be placed on the CARE Fair committee, and having the opportunity to be a part of something so remarkable exceeded her expectations. Wanting to dive a bit more into the League’s operations, she is currently serving on the board as the Finance VP, which she says has been an eye-opening experience to see how much the League does.

Erin Jelmini Fischer, Communications VP
Erin joined the Junior League of Salt Lake City in 2016 with her sister, Alyssa Bartlett. Both had family friends that were part of the League years prior and had been looking for a way to get involved in their community while getting to spend time together. Erin immediately joined the Communications Council because of her work professionally in marketing. Erin soon weaved her way up into director roles before landing as the Communications VP this year. Outside of the League Erin works as the Marketing Supervisor for a digital advertising agency, GCommerce. In her personal time, she enjoys reading, traveling, skiing, baking and dabbling in cake design, and spending time with her husband and their goldendoodle.

Janine Bartling, Community VP
Janine joined the JLSLC in 2017. Being new to Utah, Janine wanted to meet new people, learn more about the city and give back to the community. Janine’s first placement was a member of the combined Strategic Outlook & Operations and State Political Affairs Committee (SOO/SPAC). She spent most of her time working on the revival of the strategic plan. Janine enjoys governance and how the League works. While working on the strategic plan, Janine also worked on the creation of the current Legacy Project.

Kristin Gelegotis, Past President
Kristin originally joined the Junior League to volunteer and meet new people. For almost a decade, she says the League has given her so much more by providing an opportunity for personal growth. Through training, committee and board placements, and incredible relationships, Kristin has developed professional skills, personal connections, and gained a solid understanding of running a nonprofit. She says that seeing the impact our League has on our members and our community through volunteer-run projects such as CARE Fair is truly inspiring. Kristin think’s it is incredible to see the impact volunteering has on our community.

Alyssa Bartlett, Fundraising VP
Alyssa has been a member of the JLSLC since 2016. She and her sister both wanted to join something that would let them volunteer in their community, and the Junior League fell into their laps. Alyssa started in Special Events/Fund Development and has been in that role ever since. One of her favorite projects is Touch-A-Truck. At first, she had no clue what the event was, but after the first year on the committee with planning and hard work, it soon became her favorite. Alyssa says, “seeing children young and old learning and exploring something new makes your heart melt, and you know you are doing something right.”

Lisa Owen, Project VP
Lisa is a second-generation JLSLC member, following in her mom’s footsteps. Growing up with a League mom, Lisa saw and experienced many of the projects and events. She was also the go-to babysitter for many League members. Seeing the friendships that her mom made (and has maintained) and the satisfaction and pride she felt being able to give back to the community, Lisa knew she would be a future member. Lisa joined the spring Provisional class in 2003, knowing her mom would transition to a sustaining member for the 2003-2004 year. She has spent the majority of her years in the League as a member and director in the Projects and Education Councils. Like her mom, Ann Owen, she too has made amazing friends over the years. Lisa says the experiences and skills she has gained have been amazing. The most rewarding part of her time in the League has been “the ability to give my time to the projects and see the impact and difference we make in the Salt Lake community.”

Emilee Schulzke, Membership VP
Emilee joined the Junior League of Salt Lake City in 2005 and has loved being involved in several different roles over the years. She has served as a member and leader on the Fundraising Council, worked closely with members as a Member Advocate, and is now thrilled to be serving as Membership VP. Professionally, she works as a Client Success Manager for a global software corporation. When not volunteering or working, she enjoys spending time outdoors, traveling, cooking, and reading. Emilee lives in West Valley City with her husband, Ben, and their 4-year-old black Lab, Kayla.

Amy Leininger, Recording Secretary
When Amy joined the League several years ago, she was looking for a way to make an impact in the community while creating new friendships. Since joining, she has gained valuable skills through training, especially while holding leadership positions. Amy has always enjoyed participating in our numerous community projects, particularly volunteering at the Women Helping Women boutique. Every time she leaves a project shift, she feels she has made a positive impact on a woman’s life. From fundraising to community impact and onto her current role as recording secretary, she has learned the leadership skills needed to serve in various capacities within our community, all while forging lifelong friendships with fellow Junior League women.

Heidi Makowski, Sustaining Advisor
Heidi joined the JLSLC in 1993 because she wanted to work on community projects. Heidi was fortunate to direct many committees, serve on the board several times, and become President in 2003-2004. Heidi remained in the League and went on to direct the committee that produced the last Junior League cookbook, Salt to Honey. Following that publication in 2012, Heidi became a sustainer and has now been a member for 25 years. Heidi joined for the projects, stayed for the training and leadership opportunities, and has been so rewarded and made lifelong friends.

Aly Giesler, Training VP
Aly has been a member of the Junior League of Salt Lake City since 2016. She had recently moved to the area and was looking for a way to meet like-minded women and give back to her new community. She first joined the Communications Council where she learned all aspects of the League and was given the opportunity to learn a variety of new skills. She soon became director of the council and led the council as Vice President for two years. Aly then wanted to shift her focus to another area of the League and is currently serving as the VP of Training where she focuses on creating opportunities for members to learn and enhance their personal, professional, and volunteer abilities. Professionally, Aly is the Executive Assistant at Mercato Partners where her efforts are spent fundraising and nurturing relationships for the firm. On the weekends, you can find her playing with her two dogs, skiing, hiking or planning her upcoming nuptials!