Pub. 1 2021 Issue 1

presidents-message Yoga

President’s Message

This story appears in the
Women Elevated Magazine
Pub 1 2021 Issue 1

Welcome to the inaugural edition of Women Elevated, the official magazine of the Junior League of Salt Lake City. When we decided to create this annual publication nearly 18 months ago, no one could have imagined all that we would experience in 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted life for everyone. It has disrupted business as usual, made us reimagine our work and daily lives, and required the Junior League to operate in ways that we might never have dreamed. As our cover image depicts, we have spent most of 2020 conducting the important work of the Junior League via Zoom. We have built strong and meaningful connections with each other virtually. Despite all the challenges, 2020 has been a year of perseverance and progress. It has demonstrated the amazing feats a group of women will achieve when working together towards a common goal. For the past 89 years, the women of the Junior League of Salt Lake City have joined together to achieve our mission — to develop the potential of women and improve communities through the effective action, education, and leadership of trained volunteers. Simply put, 2020 helped each of us at the Junior League to communicate creatively, to act innovatively, and to work harder than ever to serve our community.

In these pages, you will read the stories of the Junior League of past and present. You will be introduced to the current group of women leading the League into our 90th anniversary and into the next decade. You will read the stories of women who came before us and contributed so significantly to our League’s legacy. You will hear about our headquarters, the meeting place, and the center of volunteerism for the Junior League over the past 20 years. You will learn about our two long-standing projects — the Community Assistance and Resource Event, known as CARE Fair, and the Women Helping Women clothing boutique. Together, these two projects have accounted for tens of thousands of volunteer hours by members and, in turn, have served thousands of women, children, and families in the greater Salt Lake City community. These are just a few of the stories highlighted in our first issue, and many more inspiring stories are included here for you.

In a year unlike any other, I am proud of the tremendous work of the Junior League, including the publication of this magazine. I hope you enjoy reading the stories showcasing the impact of the Junior League in 2020 and beyond. I hope they inspire you and that you consider joining this amazing group of women or giving us your support through our community projects. I am forever grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this League. It is an honor to lead this organization and to serve alongside the hundreds of women volunteers who work tirelessly to improve our community.
As we head into 2021 and our 90th year, I look forward to all that we will accomplish on behalf of our community and our mission as we add to the important legacy of the League.

Thank you for your support.

Sarah Waters
JLSLC President 2020-21